Bob loves to teach and write about the Bible in a way that brings its message to life. He earned a Master’s Degree at Princeton Theological Seminary in New Testament and did a year of post-graduate studies in archaeology at the Ecole Biblique et Archeologique in Jerusalem. Bob loves communicating in-depth biblical truth to church leaders and everyday people alike. His passion is illuminating the New Testament with insights from ancient history, biblical archaeology, and Middle Eastern culture so that people are empowered to follow Jesus and carry out his mission. Bob has published ten books, shot two video series, produced a documentary film, and developed two intensive weekend seminars. See below for more information…

Discovering the Real Jesus
Who is Jesus of Nazareth? Teacher? Prophet? Pretender? Messiah?
There are so many ideas floating around about the identity and significance of this Jewish builder-turned-rabbi who has changed the world and billions of lives. How can we know who he really is? How can we learn to trust and follow him more closely?
Drawing on ancient history, Middle Eastern culture, and the latest archaeological discoveries, veteran guide Bob Rognlien takes us on an incredible journey from Jesus' baptism to his resurrection, where we can discover the real Jesus. Each chapter begins with a dramatized event from his life, then fleshes out that aspect of this most extraordinary man and the implications for our lives today.
With 60 photos, illustrations, and reconstruction drawings, this book brings to life the world and the Way of Jesus. Whether you have never read the Gospels before or are already a believer, you will gain new insights and inspiration to help you get to know Jesus better and walk more closely in his footsteps.
There is a 14-Part Video Study Guide that goes with this book, see below!
“Bob Rognlien, an experienced archeological guide and straight up theologian, brings the real life Jesus back into focus. His varied style engages as well as informs, while it cannot but help inspire assurance and confidence that you are getting a real picture of the real Jesus. It's a fresh and timely reintroduction of Jesus of Nazareth.“ --Art Barrett

The Most Extraordinary Life Video Study Guide consists of 14 ten-minute videos in which Bob takes you to the historical sites described in each chapter of the book and then sits down with you and your group to discuss the unique insights about following Jesus which we can learn from that aspect of his life. It is designed to help facilitate a group study of the book.

How Ancient Discoveries Help Us Follow the Footsteps of Jesus Today
Recovering the Way follows the life of Jesus from birth to resurrection, demonstrating how ancient discoveries can help us to follow in his footsteps today. It is written for those who want to study the Truth of his teaching and practice the Way that he modeled for us so that his Life might grow in us. The book is 350 pages and includes over one hundred illustrations and photos. There is a 12-Episode Video Teaching Series that goes with the book.
“Recovering the Way is an enjoyable and fascinating read, combining historical insights from the time of Jesus with practical encouragement for our lives today. All that Bob has learned and experienced in three decades of leading pilgrims through the land of Israel provide the reader with a rich treasure of biblical instruction, wise application, captivating stories, and over a hundred beautiful illustrations which help the reader to see the world where Jesus ministered.”
Todd Bolen, Professor The Master’s University and Founder

A Four-Minute Introduction to RECOVERING THE WAY: The Video Series
“I have always wanted to go to the Holy Land. Recovering the Way video series is the next best thing. It really makes so much of Jesus' life come alive. It may be the best $29 I have ever spent.“ --Mike Thomason
This 12-part video series, filled with rich visual images of the Holy Land, follows the life of Jesus from birth to resurrection, drawing on history, archaeology, and culture to illuminate the Way of Jesus so we can learn to follow him more closely today. The videos average 40 - 50 minutes and include vivid photographs of biblical sites, accurate reconstruction drawings of key structures, illustrations depicting daily life in the first century, and animated maps putting all this in its geographical context. The twelve episodes of the video series correspond to the twelve chapters in Bob’s book, RECOVERING THE WAY, which serves as a companion guide to the series for those who want to go deeper. There are affordable prices for both individual households and groups. Use the button to to purchase the series and begin streaming to your connected devices today!

A Devotional Commentary Series
You are invited to join Bob Rognlien on an incredible journey called "Footsteps Every Day: A Devotional Commentary." Each of the first four volumes, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, will take you through every verse in that Gospel, illuminating the life and teaching of Jesus with insights from ancient history, Middle Eastern culture, and recent archaeological discoveries. You can read them six days a week or go at your own pace.
At the end of each daily devotion there is a Reflect and Respond section, with space to write your thoughts on what Jesus is saying to you and what step of faith he is calling you to take. After every six days there is a Footsteps Every Week section where you can summarize your insights from the week, identify the big picture of what Jesus showing you, consider new predictable patterns, and choose a significant verse to memorize.
If you read all four Volumes, one reading a day for six days a week, you will journey through all four Gospels in one year. Or you can read through any Gospel at your own pace. These books can also be used as a commentary for teachers and preachers who want an accessible introduction to the background of any passage in the four Gospels. They can also be used as studies for small groups, Bible studies, and Sunday School classes.
You can purchase individual volumes or the whole set of four books for a discount.

A Virtual Pilgrimage Following the Life of Jesus
Join us for a weekend that will forever change your understanding and experience of what it means to follow Jesus! Using thousands of compelling photographs, insightful reconstruction drawings, and first-hand accounts of where it all took place, we will follow the life of Jesus from his birth in Bethlehem to his death and resurrection in Jerusalem. In each session we will see how ancient discoveries illuminate the Gospels and help us follow Jesus’ Way in our lives today.
The weekend is comprised of four intensive teaching and processing sessions as follows:
I: Jesus' World: We examine the six key groups that made up Jewish society at the time of Jesus to understand the world into which he came.
II: Jesus' Preparation: We look at Jesus' birth, boyhood, baptism and temptation which prepared him for his message and mission.
III: Jesus Mission: We explore the revolutionary mission Jesus carried out among the residents of the Jewish towns and villages around the Sea of Galilee.
IV: Jesus' Triumph: We follow Jesus from Galilee to Jerusalem where Jesus teaches and heals in the Temple courts. After the Last Supper we go from Gethsemene to Golgotha to the empty tomb where we reflect on the climatic events that have forever changed the world.
Our teacher for the weekend is Bob Rognlien, a veteran pastor, teacher, author, and guide who has lived and studied in Jerusalem and led in-depth trips through the Holy Land for over 30 years. Bob's recent book, Recovering the Way, is a supportive text and will be available for purchase at a 25% discount.
Use the buttons below to register for an upcoming Footsteps Weekend Experience or get more information about hosting one!

Practical Training on Six Key Steps in the Way of Jesus
Over the course of the weekend we will follow the life of Jesus and visit the six most important places where Jesus taught his disciples to follow his Way. In addition to gleaning new insights from the archaeology, history, and culture, we will learn to use practical tools that help us to put these six key Jesus-shaped princples into practice in our daily lives.
The weekend is comprised of six teaching and training sessions as follows:
I: Jesus' Baptism and Temptation: We will discover how to live out of our true identity as God’s beloved children and exercise the authority he has given us to do his will on earth as it is in heaven.
II: Jesus Returns to Nazareth: We will discover how to carry out our mission by identifying and investing in People of Peace.
III: Jesus’ New Family: We will discover how to build a new kind of extended spiritual family that is living on mission together.
IV: Jesus Calls Disciples: We will discover how to be disciples who invite others into their lives so they can learn to follow Jesus as we are learning.
V: Jesus Abides to Bear Fruit: We will discover the four unique rhythms of Jesus’ life that will help us to bear more good fruit that will last.
VI: Jesus Takes Up His Cross: We will discover the surprising power that flows through our lives to do God’s will when we are willing to lay down our lives, give up control, and be raised to a new kind of life.
Our teacher for the weekend is Bob Rognlien, a veteran pastor, teacher, author, and guide who has lived and studied in Jerusalem and led in-depth trips through the Holy Land for over 30 years. Bob has been focused on training pastors, missionaries, and everyday people in the way of Jesus for over 20 years.
Use the buttons below to prepare for an upcoming Jesus-Shaepd discipleship Weekend or get more information about hosting one!

Discipleship and Mission for Everyday People
What kind of shape are you in? Discipleship is the process of being shaped more and more into the image of Christ. A Jesus-Shaped Life offers practical tools and strategies to learn how to life a life that looks more like Jesus. 130 pages long and filled with practical diagrams, this little book is written for everyday people who want to live a life of greater fruitfulness and significance.
"A Jesus-Shaped Life is an excellent book for anyone in any stage of their walk with Jesus. If you are unsure what you believe about Jesus, are just getting started in following Jesus, or have been following Jesus for some time now; this book will prove invaluable… This is a great practical guide on being a follower of Jesus, helping others follow Jesus and living out Jesus' mission on earth with others.
Joe McFadden, Groups Pastor at The Ridge Community Church in Greenfield, WI
For a 20% discount on orders of 10 or more books click the button and use the code BULK

An Introduction to 3DMovements
Many people today sense we have gotten so focused on planting and growing churches designed to meet people’s expectations, that we have lost sight of the church Jesus promised he would build. A careful reading of the Gospels reveals Jesus’ life was focused on three key priorities: empowering people to live a new kind of life, discipling his followers to do everything he did, and calling everyone to live out the purpose of God as part of a spiritual family on mission. This book is an introduction to the tools and strategies of 3DMovements which are designed to help you live a more Jesus-Shaped life and multiply that life in the lives of others.
“This book is a wonderful articulation of a proven process of discipleship developed by my friends at 3DM. Being a long term disciple-maker, Bob shares openly from direct experience and insightfully from the Scriptures. A worthy read.”
Alan Hirsch, author of The Forgotten Ways and 5Q: Reactivating the Original Intelligence and Capacity of the Body of Christ
For a 20% discount on orders of 10 or more books click the button and use the code BULK

Giving Yourself More Completely to God
Jesus said the most important thing in life is to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. The heart of worship is to respond to God’s great love by giving yourself completely back to him in love. In giving us the Great Commandment Jesus was teaching us the nature of true worship, both receiving and responding to God’s Spirit with our heart, soul, mind, and strength. This little book, 128 pages long, offers fresh biblical insights into more holistic approach to biblical worship with practical strategies for the worshiper to connect more deeply with God in daily life as well as in worship gatherings.
“I highly recommend this book for anyone who wants to more fully understand the fundamentals of worship and is willing to respond to God with great passion in every dimension of their being. This book will stretch you and remind you what is at the very core of our worship. I want our entire congregation to read it!”
Nancy Beach, author of Gifted to Lead and An Hour on Sunday
For a 50% discount on orders of ten or more use the code “BULK” at checkout.

Encountering God with Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength
This book explores how Jesus’ Great Commission to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength offers a biblical pattern for a more holistic approach to worship. Experiential worship means receiving God’s love with our mind (understanding), our soul (emotions), our strength (body), and our heart (choices) and loving him back in all four of these ways. Provocative and practical, this 234 page book equips leaders of diverse backgrounds and churches of all sizes to craft worship gatherings that will changes lives for years to come.
“Bob Rognlien’s loving and incisive work shatters the long-held mythology that information is the key to transformation, and it does so with great care. Rognlien’s worship practice and theology are the result of solid study and a life of humble experience.”
Sally Morgenthaler, worship innovator and author of Worship Evangelism
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