Bob loves to illuminate the New Testament by recovering insights from the study of history, archaeology, and culture. He has devoted most of his life to researching the ancient biblical world, understanding the implications for Jesus and his first followers, and applying it to our lives today. Check out the TEACHING page for information on Bob’s books, workshops, and other resources designed to bring the Bible alive.

Bob is committed to empowering missional disciples by offering practical training in living the Way of Jesus today. As Director of 3DM West, Bob and his teams train Kingdom leaders in North America, the Middle East, and North Africa using the biblically-based methodology and toolkit of 3DMovements. Check out the TRAINING page for more information.

For the past thirty years Bob has been leading people on spiritual adventures in the biblical world. The Footsteps of Jesus Experience is a two-week immersion in the Way of Jesus, following his life from birth to resurrection in the land of Israel and Palestine. The Footsteps of Paul Experience is a two-week exploration of the three missional journeys of the Apostle Paul from Antioch to Corinth, through Turkey and Greece. Check out the TRIPS pages for more information.


Life truly is an adventure when you let Jesus teach you his Truth and show you his Way! Come and join us as we seek the abundant life he offers by taking up our cross and following him…

Bob is a pastor, speaker, author, teacher, and guide focused on illuminating the ancient Way of Jesus to empower missional disciple-makers. A student of New Testament archaeology, for over thirty years Bob has been taking leaders to the Holy Land for a unique experience of the discipling and missional life of Jesus in his original context. Bob is the author of eleven books including the recently published The Jesus-Shaped Way. Bob is Founder and Director of the Footsteps Experience movement, Director of 3DM Middle East and North Africa. Bob and Pam live in Colorado and spend their summers at the family cabin in Montana where Bob writes books. His greatest joy is sharing a missional life with his wife Pam, his grown kids Bobby, Amy, Luke, Taylor, and six grandchildren, with whom he loves to ski, camp, backpack, smoke meat, gather with family and friends, read good books and watch good movies.